Holiday Guest Etiquette for Bitches

Holiday Guest Etiquette top 10 tips
The Holidays are either your favorite time of the year, or your least favorite. I quite enjoy family gatherings! But I am more of a social person. If I’m not careful though, I can fall into the bitch cycle. Something that most girls these days are trapped in. So here are some useful tips for holiday guest etiquette to help make sure the family and in-laws are happy they invited you over.
1. RSVP Bee
The hostess needs to know how many people are coming to make sure there are enough seats as well as enough food. The worst thing to do is show up and they had no idea you were even coming.
2. Bring something
No matter what. Even if they tell you not to bring anything, you should bring a little something. It can be wine, a food plate, desert, or even flowers for the table. It shows class, and the hostess will always appreciate it!
3. Dress appropriate
I know everyone and their mom is trying to be a fashion blogger and post the trendiest outfit on Instagram. That is fine. But consider the circumstances. Always follow the three-question rule: Too tight? Too short? Too much cleavage? Typically, it is family around so those three features do not need to be included into your attire anyways!
4. Don’t be late
It is so rude. Typically, everyone is really hungry too and they don’t want to have to wait for Aunt Susan to show up 2 hours late!
5. Bitch, Be nice!
Genuinely nice! None of the fake sh*t! Every family has drama. I mean every family! Leave that crap in the gutter where it belongs. Especially for the holidays. There is always something to be thankful and grateful for.
6. Provide conversation
I know people might think it’s cute to sit in the corner and be quiet and polite. But it’s boring. It also can be seen as rude to some people. Women can provide conversation, just don’t rule the conversation or be over talkative. There is a happy medium! Be up to date with current events in case people ask, you can provide an educated response.
7. Things Not to bring up
Exes, political views, religious debates, lifestyle debates, how much money you make, when are you getting married, when are you having kids, what do you do for work (Americans). If you are asked these questions, do not feel bad if you do not want to answer them. They are intrusive questions. Make it a joke if anything else! “Well we’re working on our 17th cat, maybe another one next spring!”
8. Don’t have too much
That means too much food as if you are dying of starvation. Especially too many alcoholic beverages. Both give off a bad image. They whole point of etiquette is to help others feel comfortable and give them a good impression.
9. Help clean up
This blows my mind how some people, don’t even bother offering. You should ALWAYS offer to help clean up. This is basic 101 holiday guest etiquette. Some times they will say “no don’t worry about it.” But if there is a large group with lots of dishes and food, they will gladly accept the help! You will score extra bonus points also if you are trying to impress.
10. Send a thank you note
Finally, this is the over the top bonus points of holiday guest etiquette rules. Sending a little note to just thank the hostess for all of their hard work will make them feel much appreciated. So many people skip this step. Even a TEXT message would be acceptable. It takes 15 second MAX! Hand written notes are much more personal and shouldn’t go out of style just yet! BE that extra classy guest and be extra, extra elegant!
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