Holiday Guest Etiquette for Bitches
Holiday Guest Etiquette is pretty standard across American culture. It is pretty standard for all bitches too. Here you will find some quick tips to be sure to help keep your bee tendencies in check for any holiday parties. Holiday etiquette for bitches is sadly much needed in today’s world. Click here to see if you are falling into being a basic bee.
Men are Bitches Too
When thinking of the term Bitch most people associate that with women. But here are a few reasons that men are bitches too!
Girl Fights
Girl fights are not acceptable. Especially as adults. And girl trust me, it isn’t cool, flattering, or tough. If the TV shows you are watching show this, you see where the problem stems from. Here you will find all the reasons why this is not a wise path to take and why you should think twice before engaging in such animal like behavior.
Queen Bee
Etiquette and Image Consultant
Hi! I’m Emily a 28-year-old world traveling Queen Bee if you will. But I also strive to be kind and useful wanting to help others in an area where there seems to be little effort. Here is where I share my experiences and guidance to help us be better understood while balancing our queen bee tendencies.